[Photos] Miley and Corset

Its been long since my last post Miley Ray Cyrus.. she caught my attention today as she bravely struts around on stage in a very RACY/GAMY costume!

wowow~ is that over exposed enough for a 17 yrs old girl?

and this one is my fav! LOL

Seriously! she’s 17 yrs old! and this is 18sx rated photo! was intent to blur the area of tut.. but then i realized my blog reader obviously 18 yrs old and above rite! hahaha, hopefully la..

here are some netizen comments on this..

“Don’t understand what she is trying to prove. And yes, I blame her lame parents”

“I guess the inevitable adolescent hormones have finally kicked in.”

“It is not racy if all celebrities do it,,, it is the norm nowadays!

“I do not think it is racy at all. There is much worse on the pages of magazines and newspapers every day!”

Source: Dailymail.uk